Friday, December 28, 2018

Facebook Local - srt file - Gen Z - Social Media Marketing 74 Dec 26

Social Media Marketing LIVE Chat - Episode number # 74, 26 December 2018

Key Takeaways:
1. Worst passwords of 2018

2. Digital Marketing MEETUP 09 Feb 2019 @ Pune, India

3. Why Entrepreneurs should focus on Gen Z

4. .Srt file for subtitles for LinkedIn Native Video

5. What is the difference between Facebook Company Page and Facebook Local Business Page? 

This is an online training session for Entrepreneurs, who want to stay on the cutting edge of digital marketing! From Atlanta, USA. 
This video has Subtitles/CC.

Today is Wednesday, December 26, 2018, and I am jyotindra Zaveri, your friendly social media marketing consultant and trainer.

The gist of the points discussed:
  • Worst passwords of 2018
1. 123456  
2 password 
3. sunshine qwerty 
4. iloveyou 
5. princess 
6. admin 
7. welcome 
8. 666666 
9. abc123 
According to Splash Data’s yearly report.
  • Who is the worst enemy? 
The worst enemy is the virus. Recently I downloaded an Application. It contained a virus. Trojan!So what to do? Make sure your anti-virus software is up to date.
  • Instagram Feed
Instagram does not hide posts in the feed, and you will see everything posted by everyone you follow if you keep scrolling. Instagram Stories: Try the cool Countdown button! Training for entrepreneurs on the new strategies of Digital Marketing.
  • Next Digital Marketing MEETUP will be in Pune, India.
WHEN? Saturday 09 Feb 2019. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Follow up session. Tuesday, 12 Feb 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm followed by dinner.
  • Next point is about Captions and subtitle in the video.
Srt file for LinkedIn Native Videos! Adding Closed Captioning to Videos on LinkedIn. You can now add closed captioning when sharing a video on LinkedIn from the desktop experience. You will need to have an associated SRT (SubRip Subtitle) file attached to the video before it can be posted. Remember that on LinkedIn there is a limit of ten minutes.
Note: Closed captioning can be added to member and Company Page posts.
To add closed captioning:

  1. From the LinkedIn desktop share box, select the video you’d like to share by clicking the Video icon.
  2. Once the video preview appears, click the Edit icon in the upper right corner below the X to see the Video Settings.
  3. Click Select File to attach an SRT file and click Save.
  4. Add any additional text or hashtags and click Post.
  5. Once the video is uploaded, processed, and ready to view, you will be notified. The closed captioning will be viewable at that time.
  • What is the difference between Company Page and Local Business Page?
If you have a local business. I strongly recommend creating a Facebook Page. There are several kinds of Page. Select Facebook Page for local business.
When creating a Facebook Business page, the very first step is to choose what type of page you would like.
  1. Real Estate
  2. Retail
  3. Hospital
  4. Hospitality
Company, Organization or InstitutionIf you are an online store, have more than one location or foot traffic is not of major importance for your business, this is the option for you. 
1.    Contact information  2.    Mission  3.    Awards  4.    Products 
Option to add the ‘check-in’ ability after initial set upIn addition to the features above, the list of business categories is different for each page type. As an example, Local Business Pages include categories such as Restaurant, Beauty Salon, Retail Shop etc. whereas Company Pages have categories such as Consulting/Business services.
Local Business or PlaceIf you have a ‘bricks and mortar’ store or want people to physically visit you, the Local Business or Place page is for you.  
1.    Contact information  2.    Trading hours  3.    Price range  4.    Parking options  5.    The ability of people to ‘check-in’  6.    Allows reviews  7.    Map listing 
If you think you have selected the wrong option for your business, you can always change it! Once you set up your Facebook Page, you can change the category by selecting Edit Page -  >  Update Info. Once you have changed the category, the details required will change according to the new category.
For NGO 
Select Cause or Community. For instance Lions Club or Rotary Club. I am a member of the Rotary Club of Pune Lokmanyanagar. So we have a Facebook Page that is Cause or Community’ 
Public Figure:
 For Consultants or Politicians, Select Public Figure. Artist Band or Public Figure. By the way, I have a Public Figure Page! Connect with the Social Media Trainer Jyotindra Zaveri Page
Like and do not forget to tick the 'See First' option.
  • Facebook Marketing
On Facebook, there are over two billion users log in every month. India is a great country. There are about 294 million users in India. That is about 29 Crore users in India. Whether you are using Facebook for branding or not, your competitors are using. A very big market opportunity waiting for you.
Facebook Messenger is the top mobile app by the number of downloads. And the main Facebook app is second on the list. The dominance of mobile implies that entrepreneurs need to make online content mobile friendly.
WhatsApp is third and Instagram is fifth in terms of downloads. Did you notice all these Apps are from the same company? Yes, Facebook is the leading company. 
  • Focus on Gen Z
  1. Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1964. ...
  2. Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 - 1979 and are currently between 39-53 years old (82 million people in the U.S.)
  3. Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994 
  4. Generation Z, are those born in 1995 or later.  
Focus on Gen Z in 2019. Gen Z has entered the workforce, and this generation has over 75 million people who are not teenagers anymore – they are consumers who influence $600 billion of family spending.
Gen Z can quickly and efficiently shift between work and play, with multiple distractions going on in the background...working on multiple tasks at once. Just think about how this kind of flow might reshape the office. 
Consider this data: 80 million small and medium-size companies are marketing on Facebook on monthly basis. 25 million businesses promote their products on Instagram. 94% of B2B marketers promote their brand by posting regularly on LinkedIn. 
The challenge is, how to keep up with the changes on various digital platforms. The answer is to read and study changes in social media sites. Better still come and meet me every Wednesday online at this time. Knowing the latest trends is a proven way to change your social media marketing strategy and sustain the company's success.
Snapchat and Instagram will be the most important social media channel in the year 2019, because Gen Z will dominate the market soon.
  • Include the following in your 2019 action plan:
1.    Amongst your busy schedule does not forget to reply to people who are commenting on your post. This one task you need to do it yourself. All other normal postings etc. you may outsource but replying to comment need to be handled personally. This is almost a daily, or once at least once in two days task.
2.    Another regular task in reviewing and revising keywords. This needs to be done once in three months. 
3.    If you are planning any EVENT, make sure you announce the same well in advance. In addition to Facebook Event, post on Meetup and Eventbrite. Do not forget to link the Eventbrite URL in your Instagram profile. See 'Get Ticket' button example (on mobile)
What do you think of the social media marketing trends for 2019? I will be happy to know more in the comments!

This post is published on the Blogger Blog by Jyotindra Zaveri, Social Media Marketing Consultant, and Trainer. Contact Jyoti Social, Social Media Agency Whatsapp +91 9552946949.



Monday, December 17, 2018

Social Media Marketing Tips 2019 Episode 72 YouTube Settings Instagram Campaign

Social Media Marketing Discussion LIVE Episode 72

Social Media Marketing Tips 2019

Social media tips by Jyoti Social Jyotindra Zaveri
Social media tips by Jyoti Social

Topics discussed

1. YouTube - End Screens, Cards – No Annotation
2. YouTube Channel Art – FB Twitter Links
3. SEO and SMO Difference
4. Is SMM Book obsolete?

5. LinkedIn Page Target Updates Filter
6. Professional email - No Reply All
7. Phishing Malware
8. Bot Messages Suspicious Link

9. Blue Tick Verified accounts
10. Online Marketing Policy Document for 2019
11. Instagram paid marketing
12. ‘Where is my Train’ Google App

13. Write Comment, RT not only Content

Live video broadcast on Wednesday 12/12/2018

Please click on the CC button to display the subtitles /Closed Captions in English.

The gist of the points discussed is given below.

Social media networks can be used to increase your customer base and improve your bottom line. The knowledge you will learn from today’s session will enable you to successfully market your business with various digital platforms.

To get a large following for your social media marketing, do not just push products. Include testimonials, relevant articles, and links to content, your followers will find useful. I am here to help you!
  • I have observed some changes in YouTube. End screens do not work with annotations!

To use End screens in the YouTube video, please delete the annotations. Annotations can no longer be added or edited. Delete them and use end screens instead.

YouTube has discontinued annotations editor on May 2, 2017. YouTube will stop showing existing annotations to viewers starting January 15, 2019. All existing annotations will be removed.

Use cards and end screens. Annotation was not mobile friendly. These are mobile-friendly tools that let you poll your audience, link to merchandise, recommend a Playlist, or videos. Once deleted, annotations cannot be restored.

It is observed that end screens and cards generate seven times more clicks across YouTube. In short, Annotation is OUT and Cards and End Screen is IN.
Stay Active on social media.
Large gaps in between your posts and tweets may give the impression that your business is not active.

Post regularly. Once you have a social media presence, you should not discontinue posting. Do not let your online garden become dry and lifeless. Nurture it. If you do not have time, you may outsource to an experienced agency like Jyoti Social.

Click here to learn more about our social media agency Jyoti Social.

Place Twitter and Facebook buttons on your YouTube channel.
This settings to insert LINKS on your YouTube channel art is available in the About tab. Click here to see an example of a YouTube Channel Art with social media buttons
  • What is the difference between SEO and SMO?
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization is the process and the utilization of internet technologies (tools) related to the World Wide Web that improves Google search engine ranking, websites visibility. The goal is to increase traffic to your traditional website. Very important for an eCommerce website to achieve higher sales.
  • SMO: Social media optimization (SMO) is the use of a number of social media sites and Groups (Online Communities) to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, service, brand, or Event. Search engine marketing needs SMO support. This can also drive traffic to the traditional website.
In the year 2019 make sure you are a presence at least on two or three social media platforms. And plan to post regularly. If your business is not active on social media, you are giving your competitor the opportunity to perform better than your business.

If you use social media to market your business, you need to constantly make adjustments so you can keep up with the changing platforms. So invest time and money to learn.

That is why I am conducting this free webinar every Wednesday to discuss what is new, and the latest trends and techniques.
  • LinkedIn Company page updates can be targeted to tailor content to specific audiences.

No, I am not talking about the post on your LinkedIn profile that is your ID; this is about your business Page. Updates can be targeted based on followers' profile data, such as company size, industry, function, seniority, geography, and language preference. There is a filter available on the LinkedIn page.

Important: To post a targeted update, you are required to have a minimum of 300 Company Page followers.
  • In 2019, be more professional in your email correspondence.

  1. Use a professional email address.
  2. Register a domain name, get a formal email id. Even if you do not make a website, it is ok. At least use email id with your web domain name. Not Gmail.
  3. Do not click Reply All. Unless you really want everyone on the cc needs to receive the email,
  4. Avoid too much use of the exclamation mark in email or social media posts.
  5. Avoid too much use of capital letters. Avoid writing email or posts in UPPERCASE, it is like shouting.
The goal of Social Media Marketing is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase their brand exposure and broaden customer reach. The idea is to publish content regularly so that clients will keep coming back. Instead of you pushing the product, customers will come searching for you.

In 2019, we need to be more careful regarding phishing malware activities.

Some people have started using direct message and are sending a malicious link. Do not be hurry to click on Twitter Direct Message (DM) or Facebook Messenger links, unless you are positive they are reputable. They might contain malware. Or ask you to login into some fake site, phishing sites that will attempt to steal your passwords or financial information. It may try to install malware on your system or device.
  • How to find a fake celebrity account? Blue verification tick

jyoti social blog blue tick
Blue Tick
In case of a celebrity, or a Movie start, and political leaders social media accounts, check for the blue tick next to the name. See a blue circle with a white check, next to their Facebook name or Twitter handle.
  • Prepare a document for social media best practices for your organization.

You will need it in the New Year 2019. Establish official guidelines and restrictions for your staff, your team. All stakeholders of your organization. If you have already prepared one, then review and update your digital and social media risk management strategy and governance, including policies, processes, and programs.

Ensure you include instructions about how to secure both company pages as well as employee individual accounts.

Let me know if you need any help. I can guide you to prepare this important document. This will be a good reference to help protect your company. 

Homework: Make a Google Doc containing comprehensive guidelines for online marketing. Contact me for details.

Look at the larger picture! Think comprehensively. As the number and types of risks continue to expand, the responsibility for managing digital and social media risks extends well beyond the IT department.

Here is quick start list for Instagram paid marketing

1. You need a business account and connect to Facebook

2. Define your target audience: Whom you want to sell?

3. What could be their interest, so you can run an advertisement campaign for such a specific audience?

4. Define Target audience demographic details

5. Stories 14 seconds also is a good idea.

6. OR 59 - 60 Seconds video ad (or image). Will not run on stories

7. If you want only Instagram then do setting accordingly (not Automatic). Jyoti Social suggests, if you want Facebook campaign also, run separately.

8. Select Mobile or Desktop or both (Zaveri suggests both)

9. Select the lifetime budget or daily (Jyoti Social recommends

10. Lifetime, because it will optimize). Define the date range.

11. Select click line to ensure landing page view

12. Preview the ad

Best wishes for your Instagram marketing paid campaign.

jyoti social blog social media book

If you are trying to learn social media from a book or a blog, check the date on which it was published. If it is too old, chances are some of the things written are obsolete.

Click here to learn how to measure Instagram performance and other tips
  • Where is my Train?

Google has acquired one of India’s most popular train tracking apps. India is estimated to operate some 14,000 trains on a daily basis across the country. That kind of volume is challenging. Already 10 million registered users. It helps commuters track arrivals and departures as well as buying seats. The app is for Android, it works offline or with poor connectivity and supports eight languages.

That means RailYatri will have to compete with Google Where is my Train App
  • Social media is not for selling.

It is about relationship building. It is about increasing the number of people who know about you, your content, and business. It is not for making sales. I heard an entrepreneur crying the other day that he is posting on Facebook about his products and still not got even one order. It does not work that way. First of all, one month is too less a time. Use social media for branding not selling. Sales will follow.

As regards content, I suggest, in addition to promotional posts, plan some educational and entertaining posts also.

Create a content of value on social media that makes people want to follow you and engage with your post. Most companies, are not doing it right, they are constantly trying to sell or push products/services. On Whatsapp, it is even worse.

Everyone is talking about creating content, but there is another important aspect of social media that no one is talking about. That is not writing content but write a comment. Especially in a group, take part in the ongoing discussion. Write a meaningful comment, people will notice you. So do not be aloof and isolated, take part in the conversation.

Two things you must include are Link and Hashtags. Do not forget to put links to your website. For SEO these backlinks are important.

Go ahead and connect with Jyoti Social on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, IGTV, Pinterest, YouTube, and Blogger blog, Slideshare, Twitter.....Subscribe or Follow, get notifications.

My 42 years’ experience is your key to help you get a proper marketing strategy. Without you having to be an expert in social media! Let us make 2019 your best year so far.

This post was first published on my website  

I would like to personally work with you and help you - Jyotindra Zaveri.
Whatsapp Jyoti Social +91 9552946949


Sunday, December 9, 2018

LinkedIn Profile Tips 2018 Skills Endorsement हिंदीमें

LinkedIn Profile Tips 2018 - Tutorials for beginners - Skills and Endorsement settings

Explained in Hindi by LinkedIn specialist Jyotindra Zaveri - हिंदीमें

लिंकडिन प्रोफाइल के बारे में - लिंकडिन स्किल और इंडोर्समेंट के बारे में हिंदीमें महत्वकी जानकारी - सोशिअल मीडिया का तरीका

You need to know about this important LinkedIn profile settings. In LinkedIn, use the Skills and Endorsements option to your business advantage.

LinkedIn uses these skills terms as keywords, in their search algorithms to make sure the people who are searching for those skills, and knowledge, will find YOU.
Do proper settings: Manage how you receive and give endorsements: Set these options to YES:
1. I want to be endorsed – Set Yes2. Include me in endorsement suggestions to my connections – set Yes3. Show me suggestions to endorse my connections – set Yes
Within a category, reorder your skills, or select up to three skills, to feature in your top skills. Use the PIN button to PIN it. Use the three lines button to adjust other skills up or down.

Last but not least, do not feel shy to ask friends and contacts, who know your skills, to endorse you for those specific TOP skills.
You can ask me to endorse you on LinkedIn, and if we have interacted, and I know your expertise area, I will endorse you.

The digital economy is dynamic. Your projects and passions will come and go, as you evolve in business, so make sure your skills and its sequence matches your current avatar.

Review these skills every three months or so. To make sure keywords matches with your current focus areas.

This post is published by Jyotindra Zaveri, especially for the benefit of Indian professionals who might have difficulty in learning social media skills in English!

Whatsapp Jyoti Social +91 9552946949


Saturday, December 1, 2018

RFID - NFC for Tradeshows - Professional Groups - Learn more Live 70 Nov 28

How RFID - NFC can help in the Tradeshows and exhibitions

Which are Professionally managed Groups on LinkedIn and Facebook

Learn more in this social media marketing training webinar Live # 70 on Nov 28, 2018.

Topics Discussed:
  1. Attention-grabbing Video Headlines
  2. RFID/NFC for Tradeshows
  3. LinkedIn Open Networker L.I.O.N.
  4. Social Media Groups List
Attention-grabbing headlines:
  • What you need 
  • To know about
  • 5 things to

Many trade show organizers are incorporating Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth® beacons into their events. These are technologies you, an exhibitor should become familiar with and understand how each is used so you can take advantage of the marketing opportunities they provide. RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) RFID is a passive technology as far as the attendee is concerned. RFID tags are embedded in the attendee’s badge. That tag sends a signal to a reader or antenna placed strategically throughout the exhibit hall. The show organizer can now track the movement of attendees throughout the show floor. Exhibitors can place antennas in their booth at different product stations to track attendee interest by the duration of time spent at each station. They can also use a reader to collect leads via the attendee’s information provided on that RFID tag. PROS: There is no more guesswork when it comes to attendee traffic. You can see exactly how many people moved through the exhibit hall and where they spent their time. The amount of traffic in your aisle is no longer a number based on opinion, but actual minute-by-minute fact. Exhibitors using this technology in their booth can break down interest in product stations based on attendee demographics such as job title, industry, and geography. That can help with targeting your marketing and determining which products are the most popular with attendees. CONS: The cost for the antenna or reader is still relatively high with prices between a couple hundred dollars and a couple thousand dollars depending on strength and system compatibility. The readers and antennas are noticeable and may interfere with your booth design. They also require electricity to operate. NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION (NFC) NFC is an active technology. An attendee badge is created to act as an NFC device. Exhibitors can embed NFC “tags” into digital signage. The attendee would then touch their badge to that display to activate a download of a brochure or white paper or to register to win a prize. PROS: The cost of the NFC tags is low, as little as ten cents each. It also eliminates the need to ship paper to the show. Unlike handing out jump drives filled with information, the attendee only gets the information that is relevant to them. Because it requires no investment of readers or antennas, it is a more cost-effective option for show organizers. CONS: The show organizer or exhibitor will have to educate the attendee on how the technology works. The show must communicate the value, or it simply will not be used.

Are you getting too many emails?

1. Do Settings -> Notification settings -> Groups activity
2. You might have joined many Facebook Groups
3. You can do settings for each Group activity: All posts
4. Friend's Post, Highlights, or Off.

Do you want to establish yourself as a thought-leader in your industry? One good way to do this is to regularly post in the professionally managed group - an online forum of like-minded people. Join one or more of the following groups and become the influencer in the community.
JOIN: They are free, and always will be!

1. ERP IoT eCommerce Group 2. Export Import Business - International Mall 3. Social Media Marketing Pro JOIN FACEBOOK GROUPS
1. Social Media Marketing Group 2. Export Import Business REGIONAL GROUPS for Pan INDIA publicity:
1. Andhra Pradesh improvements 2. Delhi improvements 3. East India improvements 4. Goa Improvements 5. Gujarat improvements
10. Pimpri-Chinchwad Improvements 11. Pune Improvements 12. Pune West Community 13. South India improvements PROFESSION OR INDUSTRY FOCUSED GROUP

Whatsapp Jyoti +91 9552946949 for support or clarification. Social Media Marketing Consultant and Trainer....since 2011.