Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ep 43 - Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2022

What is your Social Media Marketing Strategy for the New Year 2022? Ultimate Guide by Jyotindra Zaveri, the sought-after Trainer! Kranti: A strategic plan is the cornerstone of your organization's success. Jyotindra, how to start with the plan. JZ: First you need to know the TCO. K: What is TCO? JZ: TCO means the Total Cost of Ownership For digital marketing planning for the new year 2022, it is necessary to allocate resources. TCO is the resources that will be required for digital marketing. Three M - Manpower, Material and Money. Especially manpower means people are required to manage and post on social media. Even if you outsource, you still need to put in your time to coordinate with the agency. Another overhead is taking pictures or videos. K: There are many uncertainties in 2022. It is difficult to predict the pandemic situation. Many programs that were scheduled are now getting cancelled. Why to plan and how to plan? JZ: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. All the more reason business today needs a sound digital marketing strategy. It is necessary to plan a budget. K: How to budget? We are offering our services at a very affordable rate. What are your professional charges? Is there any New Year special offer? JZ: Yes. One on one free. Limited time offer for the New Year 2022. The New Year Two Two brings you Two Social Media Platforms. You Signup for Facebook you get Instagram Free! You Sign Up for LinkedIn You get Twitter Free! Pair up in Twenty Two. Social media marketing requires the art of micro-blogging and Internet Technology skills, and we have mastered both. Happy New Year 2022. 09:30 p.m. IST. Thursday. December 30, 2021. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 43. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Previous Episodes: Net Mitra YouTube Playlist Social Media PODCAST Net Mitra #TwitterMarketing #localbusiness #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast #krantishah #socialmediatips #freetraining #digitalmarketingideas

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Social Media Corporate Training Toxics Link Feedback

Social Media Corporate Training by Jyotindra Zaveri to the Toxics Link Team - Feedback - Participants are sharing their encouraging comments

Social Media Green Screen video VFX Chroma video

Social Media Green Screen video VFX - Poem by Col Vasant Ballewar (Takhallus Pen Name Teer). Indoor shooting done with Green background and then edited to insert the river video, appears to be outdoor shooting! Editing and shooting by Jyotindra Zaveri +91 9552946949. Social Media Marketing Trainer. Top 20 in India. वक़्त की नज़ाकत! वक़्त की नज़ाकत, समय समझा ना पाया जब वक़्त था, तब समय नहीं था आज़ समय हैं, पर वक़्त कहां हैं! सुना था घड़ी, समय और वक़्त एक जिस्म और दो जान हैं बहुत सी घड़ियां खरीदी, रंग-बिरंगी, सस्ती-महंगी सोचा, घड़ी के साथ समय भी हाथ आएगा घड़ियां तो बहुत सज गईं हाथों पर पर ना वक़्त और ना समय हाथ आया कई सुरमा, सिकन्दर, आए इस ज़मीपर खुद को समझ बैठें खुदा के बराबर पर समय से कोई जीत ना पाएं बड़ा ही अस्थिर, तरल सा होता हैं समय ना नज़र आता, ना महसूस होता हैं ये समय बस बहता हीं रहता, पर अहसास करा जाता हैं समय उलझे से रहते हैं हम जीवन-भर जो नहीं हैं उसे ही पाने की होड़ में जो सामने हैं उसकी महत्ता नहीं होती वक़्त हाथ से गुज़र जाता हैं जो साथ हैं वो भी ओझल हो जाता हैं उसकी अहमियत अब समझ आती हैं समय जो गुज़र गया, निकल गया अगला पल क्या होगा, नहीं पता, बस यहीं वक़्त हैं तुम्हारे हाथ में, जिसकी कुछ अहमियत हैं। 🎯 एक तीर, तीर की तरकश से.. कर्नल वसंत बल्लेवार 'तीर' ७३९१९१७१३२ #teerketeer #poembyteer #वक्तकीनज़ाकत #greenscreenvideo #vfx #chromatechnology #socialmediamarketing #jyotindrazaveri #socialmediatrainer

Social Media Green Screen video VFX - Poem

Social Media Green Screen video VFX - Poem by Col Vasant Ballewar (Takhallus Pen Name Teer). वक़्त की नज़ाकत! वक़्त की नज़ाकत, समय समझा ना पाया जब वक़्त था, तब समय नहीं था आज़ समय हैं, पर वक़्त कहां हैं! सुना था घड़ी, समय और वक़्त एक जिस्म और दो जान हैं बहुत सी घड़ियां खरीदी, रंग-बिरंगी, सस्ती-महंगी सोचा, घड़ी के साथ समय भी हाथ आएगा घड़ियां तो बहुत सज गईं हाथों पर पर ना वक़्त और ना समय हाथ आया कई सुरमा, सिकन्दर, आए इस ज़मीपर खुद को समझ बैठें खुदा के बराबर पर समय से कोई जीत ना पाएं बड़ा ही अस्थिर, तरल सा होता हैं समय ना नज़र आता, ना महसूस होता हैं ये समय बस बहता हीं रहता, पर अहसास करा जाता हैं समय उलझे से रहते हैं हम जीवन-भर जो नहीं हैं उसे ही पाने की होड़ में जो सामने हैं उसकी महत्ता नहीं होती वक़्त हाथ से गुज़र जाता हैं जो साथ हैं वो भी ओझल हो जाता हैं उसकी अहमियत अब समझ आती हैं समय जो गुज़र गया, निकल गया अगला पल क्या होगा, नहीं पता, बस यहीं वक़्त हैं तुम्हारे हाथ में, जिसकी कुछ अहमियत हैं। 🎯 एक तीर, तीर की तरकश से.. कर्नल वसंत बल्लेवार 'तीर' ७३९१९१७१३२ #teerketeer #poembyteer #वक्तकीनज़ाकत #greenscreenvideo #vfx #chromatechnology #socialmediamarketing #jyotindrazaveri #socialmediatrainer

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ep 42 - Secrets You Should Know about Twitter Marketing

Twitter Marketing Secrets You Should Know! Short & Sweet … Manage your Tweet!

6000+ Tweets per second, a valuable source of customer insights. Kranti: Jyotindra, the Twitter marketing expert, who has 1800+ Followers, will tell us tips that you should know.

The New Year 2022 is around the corner. It is essential to plan your digital marketing strategies. Please pay attention now and start implementing the tips and techniques. Q: How to find the latest trend on Twitter? JZ: To get the news and the latest happening globally, you can use Twitter. Follow a hashtag and get the newest Tweet in your feed. You can also find a popular hashtag that is trending in your city/country. Today's Top Twitter Trending Worldwide topics. And hottest Twitter Trends Worldwide right now Q: What is the hottest Twitter trend in India? JZ: The hottest Twitter Trends India right now is #VijayDiwas. Today is Dec 16 in India, and it is celebrated as Vijay Diwas. Vijay Diwas on December 16, 2021, marks the 50th-anniversary celebrations of India’s glorified victory over Pakistan in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war. K: How Twitter is different as compared to other social media platforms? JZ: People do not have time to read long, long messages, descriptive posts. Twitter is a short message system, like SMS.
K: Short means how short? JZ: Crisp message 280 characters only.
K: Can we tweet more than 280 characters? JZ: Yes. Use the plus button to add an additional text message. This is called Threading. See example K: In the US alone, Twitter has 77 million active users as of January 2021. India has 24 million users. We live in a very fast-paced world nowadays, and people can’t be bothered to spend a lot of time reading blogs or full-length news articles. India is exponentially growing in terms of total Twitter users in India. The statistics make India an important place to target for marketing campaigns on Twitter. Who is the most popular Twitter handle in India? JZ: The Indian prime minister Narendra Modi had the most popular Twitter profile in the nation, with over 73 million+ followers K: Viewers, please Follow Jyotindra Zaveri on Twitter to get crisp tips and updates. His tweets are essential for entrepreneurs and professionals to keep updated. Here is the link 16 December 2021 India. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 42. Speaker Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Previous Episodes: Net Mitra YouTube Playlist Social Media PODCAST Net Mitra #TwitterMarketing #localbusiness #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast #krantishah #socialmediatips #freetraining #digitalmarketingideas

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Ep 41 - Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain

What is Cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? Is it legal? Blockchain simple explanation.

Kranti: In today’s Net Mitra episode, let us talk about Cryptocurrency. What is Cryptocurrency? Nowadays referred to as Crypto? Jyotindra What is crypto?

Jyotindra Zaveri: Crypto is a digital currency. It is a universal currency. They are accepted in any country globally over the internet, digitally.

It is unique because it is recorded in a separate ledger based on blockchain technology. All account transactions are recorded automatically in this ledger and are codified.

K: What is blockchain?

JZ: Transaction of any kind stored in a database. The transaction is called a block, and the database is called a chain. So the name blockchain. What is unique about such information stored in a digital ledger is that it is highly secure.

In simpler words, the digital ledger is like a Google spreadsheet shared among numerous computers in a network, in which the transactional records are stored based on actual purchases.

The most important fact is that anybody can see the data but not hack it. No technology can corrupt it.

K: Why Blockchain is used in crypto? Explain by example that an ordinary person can understand.

JZ: Suppose I want to transfer money to you from my bank account. I would log in to online banking and transfer the amount to you using your bank account number. When the transaction is done, your bank will update the transaction records.

What if I do not want to involve any bank? No other third party, no payment gateway. Money transfer direct from me to you. That is crypto.

For example, bitcoin transactions use blockchain technology.

K: What is the difference between blockchain and crypto?

JZ: Blockchain is the process of a cryptographically secured chain of blocks with timestamps that could not be tampered with. Whereas Crypto is the currency created using Blockchain technology.

The absence of any centralised authority and is maintained through distributed networks

The system maintains records of cryptocurrency units and who owns them

Blockchain in healthcare:

Securing Patient Data. Keeping our critical medical data safe and secure is the most popular blockchain healthcare application at the moment, which isn't surprising.

Real estate is also a domain that is affected by blockchain applications, and in the future, people are going to sell and buy property over the blockchain.

Using blockchain in logistics systems and supply-chain can help you handle help you track down freight more easily.

In short, blockchain is a technology that will be the backbone of all future technology and applications.

Crypto is one such application.

K: Is it safe to buy crypto. Is it legal

JZ: The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill 2021 are likely to be introduced in the winter session of the Parliament. It is a bill that would regulate Cryptocurrency in India.

K: How does one go about purchasing and selling crypto?

JZ: You can download many apps and start purchasing and selling crypto. KYC is necessary.

  1. COINSWITCH KUBER: Over one crore (10 million) Indians are trading in Cryptocurrencies.
  2. ZebPay, India’s most-loved Bitcoin की दुकान.
  3. COINDCX. It is amongst the multifaceted trading apps for crypto assets in India. You can buy or sell more than 200 trade coins on the app.
  4. UNOCOIN. It is one of the oldest cryptocurrency exchange apps.
  5. WAZIRX. It is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchange apps that allows you to invest using INR, BTC, US dollar,

K: Is there any known leader or industrialist who has invested and supports Crypto.

JZ: Yes. Elon Musk

Elon Musk's crypto portfolio consists of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin.

Elon Musk is one of the richest men and great industrialists globally.

Sixty-five million followers on Twitter. His Tweet can make marketing swing.

K: In conclusion, we can say that cryptocurrency is a virtual currency secured by cryptography. It is a peer-to-peer digital payment system that doesn’t rely on banks to verify transactions. It is here to stay. But like the stock exchange, there will be up and down, which is also equally risky. So be very cautious.

There is no quick rich formula here. It is a gamble and game of demand and supply. Like in all gamble higher risk higher gain or loss! What do you say?

Watch YouTube Video about Crypto

December 09, 2021. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 41. WhatsApp +91 9552946949.

Previous Episodes:

#cryptocurrency #bitcoin #elonmusk #Ethereum #Dogecoin #digitalpaymentsystem #COINSWITCHKUBER #COINDCX #WAZIRX #localbusiness #facebookshop #facebookmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #marketing #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast

Thursday, December 2, 2021

PROMO Ep 41 NET MITRA DEC 09 Cryptocurrency

What is Cryptocurrency? BITCOIN? Is it legal? Blockchain simple explanation. Thursday, December 09, 2021. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 41. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Watch on Facebook OR YouTube Click Set Reminder OR LinkedIn Click Set Reminder OR Twitter LIVE hashtag#localbusiness hashtag#facebookshop hashtag#facebookmarketing hashtag#digitalmarketing hashtag#socialmedia hashtag#marketing hashtag#entrepreneurs hashtag#netmitra hashtag#news hashtag#jyotindrazaveri hashtag#india hashtag#jyotisocial hashtag#socialmediapodcast

Ep 41 NET MITRA DEC 09 Cryptocurrency Promo

What is Cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? Is it legal? Blockchain simple explanation. December 09, 2021. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 40. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Watch on Facebook OR YouTube Click Set Reminder hashtag#localbusiness hashtag#facebookshop hashtag#facebookmarketing hashtag#digitalmarketing hashtag#socialmedia hashtag#marketing hashtag#entrepreneurs hashtag#netmitra hashtag#news hashtag#jyotindrazaveri hashtag#india hashtag#jyotisocial hashtag#socialmediapodcast

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Ep 40 - How to promote local business on social media?

How to promote local business on social media? Get more footfalls in this festival season. Jyotindra Zaveri (top 20 digital marketing experts in India) will discuss seven tips that you do not want to miss. WHEN? Thursday 25 November 2021. USA: West: 08:00 p.m. PST East 11:00 p.m. EST. India: 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. IST. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 40. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Previous Episodes: Net Mitra YouTube Playlist Social Media PODCAST Net Mitra #localbusiness #facebookshop #facebookmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #marketing #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Ep 39 - LinkedIn news, tips and techniques.

LinkedIn news, tips and techniques. Are you the extinct leader? WHEN? Thursday 18 November 2021. USA: West: 08:00 p.m. PST East 11:00 p.m. EST. India: 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. IST. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 38. Speaker: Jyotindra Zaveri. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Net Mitra YouTube Playlist Social Media PODCAST Net Mitra #linkedinmarketing #linkedinnews #linkedintips #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #marketing #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Ep 38 - New Face of Facebook? META for Business Marketing!

New Face of Facebook? META for Business Marketing! WHEN? Thursday 11 November 2021. USA: West: 08:00 p.m. PST East 11:00 p.m. EST. India: 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. IST. Host: Kranti Shah. Episode 38. Speaker: Jyotindra Zaveri. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Previous Episodes: Net Mitra YouTube Playlist Social Media PODCAST Net Mitra #meta #facebookmeta #facebookpost #facebooknews #facebookmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #marketing #entrepreneurs #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial #socialmediapodcast

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How to treat stubborn diseases? Aches, Anaemia, Chronic Pain, Itching?

How to treat stubborn diseases? Aches, Anaemia, Chronic Pain, Itching? Treat such psychosomatic diseases by Therapeutic Thinking! Jyotindra Zaveri: The root cause of stubborn diseases could be psychological. Thought and belief can create our future. People are suffering from self-hatred and guilt. Subscribe We need to learn to be fearless, and I mean irrational fear. Many times people are creating illness in the body by thinking wrong. Even so-called stubborn diseases can be dissolved by releasing resentment. Kirti: What do you mean by resentment? JZ: It is a feeling of anger because one is forced to accept something they do not like. To treat stubborn diseases, one must learn to drain out that deep emotional tension inside the subconscious mind. K: Let us take a few examples of diseases that the scientific meditation technique can treat. How to be free from Aches? JZ: The root cause of Aches is longing for love. I suggest Therapeutic thinking after the usual relaxation and perception of breathing steps. After the psychic colour meditation. The positive affirmation I recommend is, “I love and approve of myself. I am loving and lovable. I have the inner power to be perfect”. K: What must be the duration of meditation practice? JZ: Normal duration is 48 minutes of mediation that include all eleven steps. Plus, various breathing exercises for 12 minutes. K: So, viewers, the plan is to invest in yourself for about one hour every day. To be healthy and happy. What about Anaemia? JZ: Along with medication, do meditation also. Do not deny yourself joy and love. The heart must pump the blood happily. Keep it healthy and happy by following a proper nourishing diet and regular exercise. The root cause of Anemia is YES BUT attitude. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Not feeling good enough. Therapeutic thinking. I suggest giving a positive thought pattern. “It is safe for me to experience joy in every areal of my life. I love life”. I am fearless. By the way, laughing is the best medicine. One can prevent lots of health problems just by laughing aloud. K: Tell us about Chronic Pain. JZ: Pain of any sort is an indication of guilt. Guilt seeks punishment. And punishment creates pain. Chronic pain comes from chronic guilt or shame. Guilt is a useless emotion. It never makes anyone feel better, nor does it change a situation. Anupreksh or the contemplation I suggest: I lovingly release the past. Everyone is free, and I am also free. All is well. I have apologised. And more importantly, I forgive and forget. I now look forward to enjoying my new life. I am willing to change. K: Let us take one last problem. Itching. JZ: Itching is an irritating and uncontrollable sensation that makes one want to scratch to relieve the feeling. Here we are not talking about insect bites or stings. Now how to overcome? Therapeutic thinking: “I am at peace just where I am. I accept myself. My need and achievable goals will be reached. I look forward to a bright future. K: Along with medication, we should also add meditation. Some physicians have realised that many diseases are psychosomatic. And therefore, it is a good idea to prescribe meditation also. Learn to think in positive affirmations. Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don’t want. JZ: Yes, simple example, saying I hate my job will get you nowhere. Instead, say, I now accept a fantastic new job. K: in conclusion, we say we need to continuously make positive statements about how we want our life to be. JZ: Here, I would like to add, always say the affirmation thoughts in present tense or as if you have achieved your goal. Not in the future tense. Let your subconscious mind know your goal, visualise as if you are achieving it or achieved it. Join Alternative Medicine LINKEDIN Group Follow LINKEDIN Page Scientific Meditation to get updates Meditation related social media sites, free learning resources: #PsychosomaticDisorder #Aches #Anaemia #ChronicPain #Itching? #Causes #Symptoms #Treatments #emotionalhealth #yoga #prnayam #scientificmeditation #energisemind #energisebody #subconsciousmind #goals #jyotindrazaveri #innerpower #innerstrength #jyotisocial #onlinetraining #trainer #mindfulness #meditation

What is root cause of sickness? Therapeutic Thinking Meditation

Today let us discuss the root cause of sickness. There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. We will discuss Psychosomatic Disorders: Causes, and Treatment by Meditation. Stress can wreak havoc not only on your mind but also on your body. There is a reason why doctors tell you time and again to not get stressed over small issues. This precautionary recommendation holds greater importance, especially if you are ill or have a weak immune system. This is because worrying about a disease can lead to physical symptoms. Q: Which diseases are psychosomatic? To an extent, most diseases are psychosomatic - involving both mind and body. Q: What is the root cause of sickness? Psychosomatic dieseses? There are simple yet powerful proven techniques found in ancient scriptures. It is all about positive new thought patterns to replace the defective or negative emotions. For example, Insomnia, I have a list of over a hundred kinds of diseases, with their cause and what positive affirmation can heal the ailment. Insomnia Cause: Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Guilt. Anupreksha: I lovingly release the day and slip into a peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow will take care of itself. Q: Now that we know most diseases are coming because of mental stress, what is the remedy? how to treat it? Let us take a few examples. Can Insomnia be treated with meditation? How? Q: Can Anxiety be treated with meditation? How? Anxiety Cause: Not trusting the flow and process of life. Anupreksha: I love and approve of myself and I trust the process of life. I am safe. Q: Can skin disease be treated with meditation? How? : Urticaria/Skin/ Hives Cause: Anxiety. Fear. Old, buried guck. I am being threatened. Small hidden fear. Mountain out of molehills. Anupreksha: I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free at this moment. I bring peace to every corner of my life. Q: Can piles be treated with meditation? How? : Piles or also called haemorrhoids. Same thing. The cause is fear of deadlines. Anger of the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened. The positive affirmation to treat piles: I release all that is not love. I am able to find time and space for everything I want to do. Q: What is the Anupreksha meditation technique? Watch : We can conclude safely by saying “You can heal yourself by using the Anupreksha meditation technique. Episode 43. HOST: Kirti Ramdasi. Speaker Jyotindra Zaveri. WhatsApp +91 9552946949 Meditation related social media sites, free learning resources: #PsychosomaticDisorder #Causes #Symptoms #Treatments #emotionalhealth #yoga #prnayam #scientificmeditation #energisemind #energisebody #subconsciousmind #goals #jyotindrazaveri #innerpower #innerstrength #jyotisocial #onlinetraining #trainer #mindfulness #meditation