Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Digital Marketing Quiz - Social Media Self-Assessment Form

Digital Marketing Professionals Assess Yourself

Purpose is to assess Digital Quotient or DQ.

Let me know your suggestions to improve the same.

Also let me know how much time you took to complete the Quiz.
I wonder when people say: "I know Digital Marketing". 
I am not sure how much knowing is knowing.  Let us try to find out where you stand.  So many new features coming up so is difficult to say "I know everything" 

Please try to answer the following questions.

Thank You.

To learn more about Social Media Marketing study from online free videos

This post is published by Jyotindra Zaveri, Social media consultant and trainer.
Whatsapp +91 9552946949


Anonymous said...

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Brain Eve said...

Digital marketing is a very effective marketing strategy that is beneficial businesses of all sizes by giving access to the mass market at an affordable price. This marketing strategy can reach your business to your targeted audience easily. However, if you want to do digital marketing for your business and searching for the best digital marketing agency Miami then you can contact MyCity Social. They are the best digital marketing agency in Miami that provide quality digital marketing services for small to medium sizes businesses.