Thursday, February 20, 2014

Facebook acquires WhatsApp - prize tag $16 Billion

Do you think the digital world will be more open and connected?

Facebook is a great digital platform that helps people share any type of content with any group of people they want.

People are already using WhatsApp around the world.  Now this merger will be unbeatable combination.  It will be most interesting to watch how Google will be +1 now?

Jan Koum, WhatsApp's co-founder and CEO and his team have done some amazing work to connect almost half a billion people. I can’t wait for them to join Facebook and help us connect the rest of the world.

WhatsApp is a simple, fast and reliable mobile messaging service that is used by over 450 million people on every major mobile platform. More than 1 million people sign up for WhatsApp EVERY DAY!  It is on its way to connecting one billion people.   The eye-popping price is Facebook’s largest acquisition by far and represents a new height in the frenzy to acquire popular technology start-ups.

WhatsApp will complement our existing chat and messaging services to provide new tools for users.  Facebook Messenger is widely used for chatting with the Facebook friends and WhatsApp for communicating with all of the contacts and small groups of people.   

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Importance of LIKE in Social Media - Outsource social media marketing to Zaveri

Google+  +1 is Like LIKE in Facebook

Do not feel shy to Like a post  in Facebook or +1 if you are using Google+

LIKE in the Facebook Page is Follow in Google+

Ek chutki LIKE ki kimmat  tum kya jano Facebook walo?
Oh! Facebook Friends, do you know value of one Like?

What happens when you click a Like or Share button on external websites?
When you click the Like button, it turns lighter in color. On Facebook, a story will appear on your Timeline and may appear in News Feed, just as if you liked something on Facebook.  The Like and Share buttons on other websites let your friends show when you're interested in something. In order for your action to appear on Facebook, you must be logged into Facebook at the time you click the button.
When you click the SHARE button, a dialog will pop up allowing you to add a comment or adjust your audience before posting. On Facebook, a story will appear on your Timeline and may appear in News Feed after you click Share Link in the dialog.
In some cases, when you like things off Facebook, like a movie, athlete or business, this connection works in the same way as when you like a Page on Facebook. It'll appear on your Timeline, you may receive messages or updates in your News Feed, and you may be associated with the connection in Pages, ads or social plugins.
“Liking” a Facebook fan page is different than liking a particular post of online content. While “liking” a news story or a video clip is pretty much a one-shot deal, “liking” a Facebook Page is more of an ongoing relationship.  You will get updates regularly, when you click 'Get Notification'.

Get in the social swing.

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