Showing posts with label hindi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hindi. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

सोश्यल मीडिया हिन्दीमे चर्चा - पॉडकास्टिंग - इंस्टाग्राम - Social Media discussions in Hindi

सोश्यल मीडिया फ़ेसबुक लाईव

Social Media Marketing Discussion LIVE Episode 76

सोशिअल मीडिया मार्केटिंग का एक तरीका ज्योतिंद्र ज़वेरी हिंदीमें बता रहे है

जिन बिंदुओं पर हिन्दीमे चर्चा की गई है, वे इस प्रकार हैं

१.  पॉडकास्टिंग के लिए साउंडक्लाउड
२.  इंस्टाग्राम
३.  भारतीय कंपनी और ऍम एन सी
४.  सोसिअल मीडिया की वर्कशॉप पूनामें: 9 फेब
५.  ज़ूकरबर्गने कहा स्नेपचेटको छोड़ दो
६.  गूगलकी सेल्फ-ड्राइविंग साइकिल - झूठी खबर

पॉडकास्टिंग के लिए साउंडक्लाउड अच्छा रहेगा - फ्री है
इंस्टाग्राम में फोटो चहेरे का साथ हो तो अच्छा रेस्पॉन्स मिलेगा
उदहारण @pxclothing बिस हजार फॉलोवर है

भारतीय कंपनी और ऍम एन सी: 
ऐमज़ॉन दुनियाकी सबसे बड़ी कंपनी हो गयी है. मैं भारतीय अन्तरप्रनार विजय, भाविश, सचिन और अंकित का सम्मान करता हूं।

ओला और उबर, ऐमेज़ॉन और फ्लिपकार्ट, विजय शेखर शर्माकी  पेटीएम कमपनी अब अलीबाबा, चाइनीज़ ने ६०% अपनी कर ली है  (जक मा). भारतीय उद्यमियों (एंट्रेप्रेन्यूर्स) के लिए महत्वका सन्देश. आगे क्या करना है? स्पर्धा नहीं साथ.
  • सोशिअल मीडिया मार्केटिंगकी वर्कशॉप के बारे जानकारी
  • ७ फेब्रुअरी २०१९. पुरे दिनका वर्कशॉप - ज्योतींद्र झवेरी द्वारा पूनामें
  • प्रायोजन (स्पॉन्सरशिप) के लिए संपर्क करे.  सोसियाल मीडिया संबंधी जानकारी सहित अन्य किसी भी पूछताछ के लिए  +९१ ९५५२९४६९४९
फेसबुक का इंस्टाग्राम और स्नैपचैट के बिच स्पर्धा हो रही है. तो मुझे देवदास मूवी का यह डॉयलोग याद आ गया:
"ज़ूकरबर्गने कहा स्नेपचेटको छोड़ दो, तुम कह रही हो ईस्टाग्राम छोड़ दो. एक दिन आयेगा जब वोह कहेगा यह शोसीयल मीडिया छोड़ दो!"
गूगलकी सेल्फ-ड्राइविंग साइकिल - झूठी खबर

This post is published by Jyotindra Zaveri +91 9552946949

Connect with Jyoti Social
  • Like Facebook Page and click See First option next to Liked 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

LinkedIn Profile Tips 2018 Skills Endorsement हिंदीमें

LinkedIn Profile Tips 2018 - Tutorials for beginners - Skills and Endorsement settings

Explained in Hindi by LinkedIn specialist Jyotindra Zaveri - हिंदीमें

लिंकडिन प्रोफाइल के बारे में - लिंकडिन स्किल और इंडोर्समेंट के बारे में हिंदीमें महत्वकी जानकारी - सोशिअल मीडिया का तरीका

You need to know about this important LinkedIn profile settings. In LinkedIn, use the Skills and Endorsements option to your business advantage.

LinkedIn uses these skills terms as keywords, in their search algorithms to make sure the people who are searching for those skills, and knowledge, will find YOU.
Do proper settings: Manage how you receive and give endorsements: Set these options to YES:
1. I want to be endorsed – Set Yes2. Include me in endorsement suggestions to my connections – set Yes3. Show me suggestions to endorse my connections – set Yes
Within a category, reorder your skills, or select up to three skills, to feature in your top skills. Use the PIN button to PIN it. Use the three lines button to adjust other skills up or down.

Last but not least, do not feel shy to ask friends and contacts, who know your skills, to endorse you for those specific TOP skills.
You can ask me to endorse you on LinkedIn, and if we have interacted, and I know your expertise area, I will endorse you.

The digital economy is dynamic. Your projects and passions will come and go, as you evolve in business, so make sure your skills and its sequence matches your current avatar.

Review these skills every three months or so. To make sure keywords matches with your current focus areas.

This post is published by Jyotindra Zaveri, especially for the benefit of Indian professionals who might have difficulty in learning social media skills in English!

Whatsapp Jyoti Social +91 9552946949


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Are you ready for content marketing in 2014?

Majority of marketers are now using social media.

Digital marketing tips about Do's and Don't with links to various social media marketing sites.

"I am the best"

Social media is not only about you, do not blow your own trumpet only in your posts.

People are tired of listening to 'I am the best' dialogue.   Instead engage them with useful information.   Recently one educational institute founder posted his achievement, and boasted about students placement and so on.   That is ok, but posting on several other Facebook group that is not relevant to the post, is not a good idea.  FB Groups are usually focused groups.  For example posting about car sale in a meditation group is a strict no no.  It is better to give advertisement and say so.

What is expected is to post relevant information that your audience would be interested in.  The secret is in posting higher-quality content consistently.

Posts on Pinterest is appreciated more because pictures are easy on eyes and does not require much brain processing.  Make focused boards and Pin regularly.  See Pinterest example.
It may be a good idea to start digital marketing in other languages.  It is possible to reach wider international market by adding translator to your English sites.  See this video explaining social media marketing in Hindi
Try to tell short stories that can have bigger impact because attention span of consumers is reducing.
Content is important to extend the brand beyond advertisements.   Once in a while add humor to your content.  Education plus entertainment is a good idea.  Here is example of 'Edutainment' board on the Pinterest.

Use 'Buffer' button on your sites.  This will allow viewer to share on Facebook and Twitter simultaneously. Use ShareThis buttons to let visitors share on their favorite social sites.  See on this Blog page.
YouTube Folder

YouTube allows you to upload videos.  I suggest you make YouTube Playlists to group your videos.  You can ask your webmaster to embed them in your blogs or websites.  I am in position to confidently tell you this because after I created Playlists on my video channels my video views shows marked increase.

Teamwork.  Social media posting is not a one-man team job.  Encourage your colleagues to Like and Share the posts from you site, Page, ReTweet, and so forth.
Picture Albums

Use Flickr to publish pictures and share on social media sites.  Create Sets instead of jumbling them all together.

Keep a separate budget for paid digital marketing services.  Amount need not be large to begin with.  All top social media sites gives professional analytics to let you know the return on investment - ROI. This is anytime better than spending money blindly on other media advertisements.  Except, that my experience with Google is not so good.

  • Think of publishing a newspaper pertaining to your own profession that will engage your audience.  For instance this newspaper will give latest news everyday.  This is better as compared to legacy newsletter.
  • If you an NGO you can use the DONATE NOW button on the Facebook Page.  19 non-profit launch partners have started displaying the 'Donate Now' button at the tops of their Facebook Pages.  Example of Facebook Page with Donate button
  • Convert your legacy website to 'responsive' website.  Meaning your site should adapt to the mobile device. Same site should change as per the size of the device, be it iPhone or tablet or laptop.  Most of the Blogs are responsive.  For instance view this blog on your smartphone. 
  • Here is a list of various digital platforms / social networking sites that I have used with corresponding figures to show successful blogging and microblogging.  Study examples of Groups and join them to stay connected. If you are doubt do not hesitate to ask an expert.
  • Use SlideShare or Scribd to publish your presentations.  I have published 60 PPT on the 'Digital Vivekananda' site, and I am happy to note that it has 170K+ views.
Hope these tips will help you plan your social media marketing strategies in the New Year 2014.  You may share your tips / suggestions in the comment box provided below.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Social Media Marketing explained in HINDI -सोसिअल मीडिया मार्केटिग हिंदीमें समजाया है

फेसबुक, ट्वीटर, लिंक्दीन, यू ट्यूब, ब्लॉग के बारेमें जाने. 


यह मार्केटिंगका नया तरीका है. प्रचार व् प्रसार के लिए सोसिअल मीडिया साइट्स का उपयोग करें. 
प्रो. ज़वेरी इन्टरनेट के विशेषज्ञ है.  
  • Sometime translating every word in Hindi is not practical.  However, I have tried my best to explain the SMM topic in Indian national language. Note that I have used the YouTube annotation feature as well as caption option.  I have tried to give caption in English.  Complete transcript is given below.  I request you to share this blog with your contacts on Facebook, twitter, Google+, etc.   Do not forget to give your comment. 

"My name is Jyotindra Zaveri.  I am specializing in social media marketing. I will explain you about the social media marketing. This is a new way of marketing.  When we ask people, do you have a website? They reply, yes yes,   However, competition also has website. Everyone wants their website to be shown ahead of others.  Therefore, everyone does search engine optimization. Search engine optimization means if anyone searches, for example in Google search engine, then our website should appear first, this technique is called SEO.  Therefore, many companies did SEO.  Moreover, competition did it too.  Therefore, what to do next is the question.  The answer is Web 2.0.  This is new technology. Web 2.0 based websites are different kinds of sites.
I am going to explain the key advantages to you. First advantage of using social media is that the site becomes interactive. Means it is not one-sided dialogue.  All legacy (old) websites are static sites; they can see but cannot put a comment on the site.  However, new sites are interactive; you can put a Comment or your opinion.   This is a major change.  Another amazing change is that anybody can make a website.  You see, if you want to make a website, then you have to contact some expert who is an internet programmer or who knows Java or HTML language.  Now you see a common person or a businessperson may not know the internet programming language.  Means he or she has to depend on some expert.  Why don’t you make a website yourself?   You do not need to know HTML, JAVA, or any such programming language.  Anybody can make a website within five minutes.  In addition, this is one big advantage.  Another advantage is the cost aspect.  Anyone would Ask, any businessperson would ask, OK, I will make website, but at what cost? How much money I have to pay?  Isn’t it?  Now you will be surprised that this is all FREE, absolutely free, no expenses.  You can advertise free on the internet.  No need to pay any money.   I have told you three key benefits.
Now I will explain you about how to do all this.  Let us consider one popular example, Facebook.  I am taking example of Facebook because many people in India have heard about it or are using.  Now you can do marketing using Facebook.  First, you register with Facebook and get your id.  For which all you require is just your email address.  It is free.  Now create a Facebook Page.  When you go to your Facebook account, click on ‘create page’ and create a page.  Facebook page is like your legacy website.  Here you can publish information about your Product or service, upload your logo, or put your punch line or slogan, etc.  You can upload pictures or Videos.  So you see this is an easy way to make your website.  Here you do not have to worry about any technology no need to go to any IT expert.  
You can take picture or movie and immediately upload and next moment the whole world can view the same.  As you must be aware that in Internet there is no physical (geographical) limitation. It nothing like that my site is in Mumbai and people from Delhi cannot see, such limitation is not there In case of internet.  You can advertise in Brazil, France, America, or Germany. Therefore, it is necessary to make a Facebook Page.   Another thing in Facebook is you can create a GROUP.  Invite your community who in turn will discuss.  Say for example, you are an artist; you can make a Facebook group pertaining to ‘art gallery’.   So people who are interested in art will get-t-gather and discuss about art.  In other words, this is indirect advertisement.  So you do three things in Facebook – one is make your id, second Facebook Page and third one is create Facebook Group.  Another example I would like to give is that of YouTube.  It is a free media, where you can upload video on YouTube.  It is the second largest search engine in the world the largest is Google search engine and the second is YouTube.  Many people search in YouTube site. You can upload your video.  Consider an example of a small company, say Tea manufacturing company, and they want to do advertisement.  And there is a large international corporate company.  That international Big Company can afford a big budget.  Small company can now afford to compete.  The Tea Company can upload commercial movie clip on YouTube for advertisement and it is free.  You can also embed (insert) A YouTube video link, in the Facebook.  That way you can advertise on YouTube channel. And third social media marketing site is Twitter.  This is an internet media to give short text messages. You know SMS or texting, sent via mobile phone, similarly any short message that you wish to send can be sent using Twitter.  So you go to site, and register, it is free, not need to pay any money. You can now Tweet that means send short messages.  Those people who are following you will get the message instantly.  All these social media sites are also referred as digital platform.  There are about fifty such digital platforms.  I have given you three examples.  There are many more.  If someone wants to do professional marketing with other professionals, use In LinkedIn, you can register free.  Again, in LinkedIn you can make group, you can make company page LinkedIn page is akin to your website.  And you do not have to worry about technology.  One need not know Internet technology.  Because it is not necessary that all marketing professionals are expert in IT or know Programming.  So any businessperson can make or even homemakers can us social media sites.  So you do marketing using LinkedIn.  And one more example is called BLOG.  You can create your website Using blog platform.  Within five minutes, your website will be ready.  And it is all free.  You can publish any article, or information about your product, or service, simply write.  This is called POST.  Your post will in The Blog.  For making your blog you can use digital platform.
I will give two examples, WordPress and Blogger. You go to, all you need us email id, and you can create a blog within five minutes.  Such Website made thru the blog can be viewed by anybody on the Internet.  You can upload your logo, your slogan or punch line.  People will subscribe and a community will be formed. The community consists of all stakeholders.  Stakeholders means, our customer, prospective customers, employees, relatives, friends, shareholders, all these are in community.  And the community manager will manage these sites.
So I have give some information, for more information and queries you can contact me.  On my website, I have demonstrated all these digital media on the website,  You note down Thank You".