Sunday, May 30, 2021
सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग सिखने के लिए पर्सनल कोचिंग
हॅलो फ्रेंड्स अगर सायकल चलाना सिखना चाहते हो तो सायकल पर बैठना होगा, प्रॅक्टिस करनी होगी. किताब पढकर तो सायकल चलाना नही सीख सकते .उसी तरह सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग सिखने के लिए हँड्स ऑन एक्सपिरीयन्स होना बहुत जरुरी है. अब आप घर पर या ऑफिस में बैठ कर सीख सकते है. आप को सिर्फ दिन मे एक से दो घंटा होम वर्क करने के लिए समय निकालना है, वो भी अपने सुविधा के अनुसार.लाइव्ह प्रोजेक्टपर काम करे और कॉन्फिडन्स पाये.आपके पास लॅपटॉप या डेस्कटॉप होना जरुरी है. ज्यादातर ट्युटोरियल्स व्हाट्सअप व्हिडीओ ऑडिओ कॉल के माध्यम से होगे. सोमवार, बुधवार, शुक्रवार शाम 6 से 7 का समय होगा. फेसबूक, युट्युब ,इंस्टाग्राम आदी माध्यम पर आपको कैसे पोस्ट करना है, उन्हे मॅनेज कैसे करना है ये सिखे. लाईव्ह प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करे. पर्सनल कोचिंग फ्रॉम सीनियर कन्सल्टंट ज्योतिंद्र जवेरी !! जिन्हें सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग का दस सालों का अनुभव है. आप ट्रेनिंग जब चाहे तब से शुरू कर सकते है.याद रहे ज्योतींद्र जवेरी भारत के टॉप-20 डिजिटल मार्केटिंग एक्सपर्ट में से एक है. आपको व्हाट्सअप मेसेज देना है "आय वॉन्ट टू लर्न सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग". कॉन्टॅक्ट नंबर 9552946949. बहुत की आसान. Submit Social Media Workshop Registration FORM
Friday, May 28, 2021
Interview of President Rtn Ashwini Shah and PP Rtn Kiran Shah
Interview of President Rtn Ashwini Shah and PP Rtn Kiran Shah with Rtn Jyotindra Zaveri. Rotary Members Introduction Series. Rotary Club of Pune Camp. RI District 3131. 01 May 2021. Become a Rotarian to serve the community! Contact President Rtn. President 20-21 Aswini Shah WhatsApp +91 98220 25595 OR Rtn Jyotindra Zaveri. WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Connect with us on Rotary Facebook Page - LIKE Rotary Instagram - Follow What is the Object of Rotary: The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. RCPC is are part of the Rotary International Global organization #RotaryClubPuneCamp #RCPC #pune #district3131 #india #NGO #communitysupport #Rotarymembership #memberintro #presidnet #ashwinishah #kiranshah
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Ep 22 - Digital Marketing News, Update - Net Mitra Channel
Digital Marketing News, Updates, Issues, and Challenges! Free online training to keep you ahead of the competition! WHEN? Thursday 27 May. 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. Net मित्र News Channel Episode 22. Host: Kranti Shah Speaker: Jyotindra Zaveri, leading digital marketing consultant in India (In Top 20 List). WhatsApp +91 9552946949 What is new in social media? Let us start with Instagram. That is interesting for Instagrammers. What is new for YouTubers? Ye koo koo koo koo kya hai ye koo koo koo Koo ek App ka naam hai! This is the first-ever Indian social media App similar to Twitter. Koo is a microblogging digital platform Koo App is proud to be made in India as per PM Narendra Modi's vision of being Vocal for Local. Listen to interesting thoughts by Jyotindra Zaveri by following him on KOO APP Twitter men naya kay hai? Twitter Space This is Net Mitra Chanel broadcasted LIVE on three top digital platforms: YouTube, Facebook Page, and Twitter. We bring interesting updates, social media news, and updates that will help you plan your digital marketing strategy. Why users should watch LIVE? I mean this video is available to watch later also. What is the advantage of watching LIVE? In short social media will continue in India as usual. Only they need to comply Govt guidelines. Social Media Workshop Registration FORM Thousands of entrepreneurs trained over the decade. #kooappkyahai, #socialmedianews, #digitalmarketingtipsandtricks #kooapp #kooappkaiseuse kare #whatiskooapp #LinkedIn #netwokring #linkedinmarketing #socialmediatips #brandingideas #digitalmarketing #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #india #jyotisocial
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
New Normal Tips for Virtual Meetings @Jyoti Social
New Normal! Home business essentials for entrepreneurs. . Essential 1: WiFi Routers 📶 . Essential 2: Tripod . Essential 3: UPS/Inverter . Essential 4: Mobile battery bank . Essential 5: Earphone/ headphone 🎧 . Essential 6: Green Screen 🟩 . Essential 7: Display aligned with eyesight eye 👀 Virtual Meeting 34 tips Watch Write in Comment any additional tip you would Like to Share / Jyotindra +91 9552946949 🇮🇳
Sunday, May 23, 2021
New Normal- Everything About Online Meetings - Organized by Only HR
The Do's and Don'ts of VIRTUAL MEETING: TOPIC: New Normal- Everything About Online Meetings • 7 things that you must do while attending a VIRTUAL meeting. • 7 things that you must NOT do while attending a VIRTUAL meeting. OHR Foundation is inviting you to the 89th knowledge sharing session on Zoom. 22 May 2021. Mr. Prashant Ithape +91 98237 24975 OR Speaker Jyotindra Zaveri Senior Social Media Marketing Consultant, and Trainer. Former IBM. 45 years experience in IT. Author of 9 books. +91 99552946949.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Ep 21 - Do Business where Business is done - LinkedIn tips
LinkedIn is a great place for networking and growing your business. These marketing tips will help you leverage LinkedIn. Do Business where Business is done! 20 May 2021.
LinkedIn is a great place for networking and growing your business.
These marketing tips will help you leverage LinkedIn.
Do Business where Business is done!
20 May 2021.
How many people use LinkedIn?
There are a total of 740 million LinkedIn users.
How many users in the USA and how many users are in India?
LinkedIn has 170 million users in the United States and 70 million users in India. People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group.
Viewers, these kinds of secrets no one will share publicly that are too free of charge. Please make a note of these extraordinary tips and use them for your business advantage. Those people who are not using LinkedIn are missing an amazingly powerful tool for marketing.
Facebook has a limit of 5000 friends but I believe LinkedIn allows more connections.
Is there any limit to LinkedIn connections?
LinkedIn members can have a maximum of 30,000 connections!
How many connections do you have?
Jyotindra Zaveri has 8000 LinkedIn connections.
Connect with the speaker Jyotindra Zaveri
You may have thousands of connections but how many are converted as prospects or collaborators, is important.
How to do networking on LinkedIn
How to find connections? Whom to connect with? What is the technique to use LinkedIn for business networking?
Use filters - see the demo in this video.
Remember that people connect with people, not business!Write like you’re talking to a friend, and always identify a real person as the author of the post. Never write a blog post by “The Company Team” or even worse, company name. People identify with people and will check out mentally if they don’t feel a sense that a person is talking directly to them. You are the expert in your business.
Even if you have staff writers, use the founder or another expert in your business as the author of your posts.
How can we find LinkedIn groups?
Use the LinkedIn search engine to find groups.
Post on blogger blog by Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949
Social Media Workshop Registration FORM
#LinkedInmarketing, #linkedintips #socialmediatips #brandingideas #digitalmarketing #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #businessnews #facebooklive #NewsChannel #india #jyotisocial
Saturday, May 15, 2021
दुकान वालों के लिए खास मोबाइल ऍप!
क्या करे या ना करे ये कैसी मुश्किल हाय! कोई तो बता दे इसका हल ओ मेरे भाई! क्यू भाई, क्या यही हाल है ना आज कल हम सभी का? छोटा बडा बिझनेस हम कर रहे है. कोई कहता है मेरा बुटीक है, कोई कहता है मैं अचार पापड बनाती हू, लेकिन ...लेकिन! हालत ये है कि मेरे बिजनेस की जानकारी किससे है ही नही. तो क्या करे?advt कैसे करे? अगर मैं आपसे कहुं की आप घर बैठे सिर्फ एक मिनट मे अपने मोबाइल से advt कर सकते है... तो आप मेरा विश्वास करेंगे? चलिये मैं आपको बताती हुं आसान तरीका. उठाईये आपका मोबाईल और ध्यान से सूने. Step.नं 1. आप अपने मोबाइल मे डाउनलोड करे Dealz24 app. Stepनं २ अपना नाम /लोकेशन /प्रोडक्ट के कुछ फोटोज/ उसकी कीमत/ डिस्काउंट ऑफर ये सभी जानकारी दे. हो गया आपका इश्तहार तैयार. अभी सबसे इम्पॉर्टंट बात. इससे क्या होगा? होगा ये की आप के आस पास के जितने भी लोग २५ किलोमीटर के दाएरे में है उन्हे इसकी जानकारी मिलेगी और सभी खरीदारी करने पहुंचेंगे आपके पास. इस से आसान और क्या हो सकता है भला ? Dealz 24 आपके लिये हाजीर है मदद करने के लिए. मेरा मोबाईल मेरा शोरूम! तो जब भी अपने प्रॉडक्ट की advt आसपास के इलाके मे करनी हो तो Dealz 24 कहता है... मै हूं ना. सोच किस बात की आज की डाउनलोड करे Dealz24 app. अब एडवरटाइज करना हुआ आसान और सस्ता! अपना इस्तिहार पहुंचाए • सिल्वर पैक: ₹४९९ प्रति माह - ३१ मई तक फ़क्त ₹ २४९/- अभी डाउनलोड करें जानकारी के लिए व्हाट्सएप करें 99707 08070 OR Jyotindra Zaveri +91 9552946949. #shopping #dealz24 #discounts #offers #shopnearyou #bestdeals #savemoney #celebrate #ग्राहकांसाठी #shoppingapp #growbusiness #advertising #digitalmarketing #maharashtra Social Media Marketing video created by Jyoti Social Team
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Ep 20 - Go Digital! Facebook for Beginners -P2 of 2
Go Digital! Facebook for Beginners! Part 2. WHEN? Thursday 13 May 2021 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. Net मित्र News Channel Episode 20. LIVE Broadcast in English and हिंदी. Host: Kranti Shah. Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949 Social Media Workshop Registration FORM #socialmediatips #brandingideas #digitalmarketing #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #businessnews #facebooklive #NewsChannel #india #jyotisocial
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
For interesting Social Media Marketing updates FOLLOW Jyoti Social on Twitter.
1801+ Followers are already enjoying important short TIPS!
Click now to FOLLOW Jyoti Social
Jyotindra Zaveri +91 9552946949 Digital Marketing Consultant & Trainer (top 20 in India).
#twitter #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketingtips #onlineeducation #marketingconsultant #trainer
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Go Digital!
We will manage and post on social media.
You focus on your core business activities!
Our professional service charges are @ ₹7,000/- per month per digital platform.
Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949
#socialmediabusinesss #socialmedia #socialmediatips #brandingideas #digitalmarketing #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #businessnews #facebooklive #NewsChannel #india #jyotisocial
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Interview CA Rushub - Disability is a matter of perception 08 May 2021
दृष्टि नहीं, पर दृष्टिकोण तो है! Disability is a matter of perception! Meet CA Rishabh Kapasi LIVE on Facebook / YouTube / Twitter. 08 May 2021 at 8:00 p.m. Listen to the inspiring journey of CA Rishabh Harish Kapasi, who could pass his CA exams despite challenges #CornealOpacity Subscribe Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! Please Like, Share, and write Comment. Q. How did you become a Chartered Accountant? Are there books in Braille? Q: Tell us about your parents. Q. What is your secret formula, how do you manage it? Viewers have curiosity about Visually challenged people. I will be asking some unusual questions Do you watch TV/ movies? What is your Hobby? What other activities besides studies? What is your favorite color? Q. What is your next Goal? What are your future plans and how viewers can help you? Q. What do you say about doing meditation? Do you think it is scientific? Q. What would you like to tell people who are facing physical challenges in life? Any tips? हर समस्या का समाधान है, सबको शक्ति देता भगवान है. Viewers have curiosity about Visually challenged people. I will be asking some unusual questions: Do you live a normal life? If so how? What about your friend circle? Interview by Jyotindra Zaveri +91 9552946949. Participate in LIVE conversation. Jyoti Social #differentlyabled #disabled #atmanirbhar #blind #InspiringStory #MotivationalStory #differentlyabledpeople #disability
Friday, May 7, 2021
Leading Professional Ar Vasavi Mulay Interview by Jyotindra Zaveri
Focus on Entrepreneurs and Professionals! Leading Professional Ar Vasavi Mulay Interview with Jyotindra Zaveri: Vasavi is an Architect by profession and proprietor of TULZA DESIGNS®. It is an Architecture and Interior Design firm based on Fergusson College Road, Pune, India. Prominent commercial projects: The very popular Pagdandi chai cum book café on the Baner Pashan link road was a unique experience for me. It was the first time I had worked with bamboo. Family Interiors magazine featured it in one of its issues. The Italian restaurant Greens and Olives at Aundh was another interesting assignment of refurbishing the interiors. The previous Architect had done a wonderful job so my addition had to be at par. We added some Mediterranean features like a flowered balcony and wooden windows, an office, a mocktail bar out of an existing cash counter and put together an entirely new section to increase the capacity of the restaurant. Ganesh Bhel at Karvenagar also turned out well with a new type of display, seating arrangements, and other attractive facets that were added during the make-over. We specialize in buildings, bungalows, farmhouses, shops, restaurants, and offices. If you wish for value addition to your spaces, you're with the right person for I have an eye on every square inch! Till we meet, this is Vasavi Mulay of TULZA DESIGNS..... we're savvy people! WhatsApp Ar Vasavi Mulay: +91 94201 80307 OR +91 77987 20412. Email TULZA DESIGNS® Connect on LinkedIn #spaceplanning #spaceoptimisation #elegant #spacesaving #easytomaintain #budgethomes #tipoftheday #renewrecylereuse #renovate #innovative #Pune #India #NRI #consultants #USA #Dubai #Goa #InteriorDesigning #Architect #Interior
Ep 19 - Go Digital! Facebook Beginners - Part 1
Go Digital! Facebook for Beginners! Part 1. WHEN? Thursday 06 May 2021 9:30 p. m. - 9:45 p.m. Net मित्र News Channel Episode 19. LIVE Broadcast in English and हिंदी. Host: Kranti Shah. Trainer: Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949 #socialmediatips #brandingideas #digitalmarketing #netmitra #news #jyotindrazaveri #businessnews #facebooklive #NewsChannel #india #jyotisocial
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Social Media Mall - Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups
Social Media Mall - Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups!
Increase your post REACH. Facebook reach is the number of unique people who saw your content.
List of thirty-five plus professionally managed social media groups. Forever free
Check the group description and group rule before joining.
GOLDMINE OF Social Media Mall Groups:
- Alternative Medicine Group
- Architects and Interior Design Ideas
- Better Andhra / Telangana
- Civil Engineering Quality - Construction
- College Management Challenges
- Delhi improvements
- Dream IT Careers - Computer Training
- Dream IT Careers Pro
- East India improvements
- Entrepreneurs, Manufacturers, ERP Group
- Entrepreneurs, Manufacturers, ERP Software Group
- Export-Import Business Facebook Group
- Export-Import Business LinkedIn Group
- Fitness and Sports
- Goa Improvements
- Gujarat improvements
- Gujarat LinkedIn Group
- Health and Wellness
- IoT Internet of Things
- Karnataka improvements
- Kolkata Improvements
- Land Property, Finance Investment
- Learn Adapt and Grow
- Maharashtra improvements
- Maharashtra LinkedIn Group
- Management and Leadership Development in India
- North India improvements
- Parents of Teenagers Group India
- Pune East Community
- Pune Hospitality - Hotels - Property
- Pune Improvements
- Pune West Community
- School Child Learning
- Science and Philosophy
- Social Media Marketing Group
- Social Media Marketing Pro
- Vacations Time -Tourism
- Women Entrepreneurs
Managed by Jyoti Social Team.
Post by Jyotindra Zaveri. WhatsApp +91 9552946949.
#socialmediamarketing #socialmediagroups #socialmediamall #facebookreach #jyotisocial #jyotindrazaveri #india #MaharashtraGroup #regionalgroups
Monday, May 3, 2021
Rotary Club of Pune Camp member introduction - Rtn Jagruti Malviya
Rotary Club of Pune Camp member introduction - Rtn Jagruti Malviya. Start with Rotary and good things happen! Inner Wheel Club: The first meeting was held on 10 January 1924 when 27 ladies attended. This date is now known as "International Inner Wheel Day". This organization was originally established for the wives and daughters of Rotarians. Who can join Rotary Club? We are looking for people who want to give back to their communities. Become a Rotarian to serve the community: How can you become a member? Clubs accept new members by invitation. Please contact President Rtn. President 20-21 Ashwini shah WhatsApp +91 98220 25595OR Rtn Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949. Connect with us on Facebook Page Rotary Club of Pune Camp LIKE Instagram Follow RCPC is part of the Rotary International Global organization #RotaryClubPuneCamp #RCPC #pune #district3131 #india #NGO #communitysupport
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