Sunday, March 10, 2013

Crossword Puzzle # 02 on YouTube

Digital Platform for Video Channel 

I have created the Crossword Puzzle # 02 focusing on YouTube

Here are the clues:

1. Subtitles
3. To views this video you need a special glasses
6. This list is a collection of videos that can be watched on YouTube or embedded into websites or blogs
8. Click this button to get updates
9. This help users find your video when they search the site
11. Facebook has Like but not this
12. Second largest search engine

2. This YouTube feature lets you layer text, hotspots and links over your video
4. Free eLearning video channel to learn social media and ERP
5. Users may post this in response to a video
7. Analytic
8. Click this button to send video link located under the video to social media
10. YouTube competition?

Write your answer in the comment.

1 comment:

Social Marketing network said...

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Social Marketing network